Wedding and portrait photographer, married to my high school sweetheart and momma to two sweet babies.

Taylor auchtung

In high school, I was the girl with a little kodak digital camera taking pictures of everyone and everything. My senior year of high school I purchased a kit camera and shot my first wedding. My love and skill for photography has continued to grow and now, 15 years, and 2 kids later, here we are. 

My husband I dated for 6 years and were married in 2014. In 2017 we welcomed our sweet girl, and then in 2020 our house got a whole lot louder when we brought home our baby boy. There is never a dull moment, but that's how we like it. 

My best day ever would look something like this: a breakfast date with my husband, going for a hike with my family, maybe a stroll through target, and relaxing with a good book or show and a cup of coffee.

about me

I love coffee- any, iced, luke-warm-reheated-all-day-coffee. I am never not watching gilmore girls. I love food. Breakfast food, mexican, pasta, all of it. I love to read, but didn't do much of it after were my kids were born and I just recently picked it back up.

my favs

If you think we might be a good fit, send me a message.